Stargazing Joshua Tree Tours
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Addicted2Wonder - Stargazing Joshua Tree

Let's Go Stargazing Tonight!

Shamanic Stargazing Tours
Tonight, Change the way you see the night sky forever!

Joshua Tree Stargazing Tours with Addicted2Wonder

Stargazing Tours of the dark skies above Joshua Tree and Star Pattern Treasure Hunting.  Tonight you could be searching for a cosmic shark named Beizam, Grandmother Spider, a snake with a large butt, the council of elders, the boomerang, the question mark, the coat hanger, the hummingbird, the black tortoise, the butterfly, the Andromeda Galaxy and the thorny devil lizards eggs to name a few.  All of these treasures and more with Ancient Native Wisdom Storytelling & Military Grade Night Vision Googles so you can see the sky the way it looked hundreds if not thousands of years ago. 

Some people look at the stars and see only distant dots of light, suns scattered about the night sky. Others see patterns of warriors, animals and sea creatures that they see and tell stories  that impact their everyday lives, like the 7 teachings of grandfather and the 7 knowing’s of the Grandmothers. The Lakota look at certain star patterns and say “There is the heart of everything That is, and now I am home” The stars were called “the holy breath of the great mystery,” the woniya of Wakȟáŋ Tȟáŋka

Become a “Wonder Junkie” Tonight: Learn the stars and philosophies of our elders by taking a fun and wildly different look at the night sky, one filled with laughter, suspense, wonderment, spiritual connection, story telling and the occasional “WTF is that?” moments!

Since human kind has walked the earth, we have looked to the stars and asked, who am I, why am I, where am I? Tonight, Connect and Experience the Stars the way our Indigenous elders “people of knowledge and wisdom” called Shamans/Naugles and Native Ancestors did…But with Modern Day Technology. Our GEN3 Military Night Vision Binoculars light up the sky like it was 1000 years ago. The Mi’kmaq people of the Northeastern Woodlands call it “etuaptmumk” or two eyed seeing. Embracing both the spiritual connection to the stars as well as the scientific way we look at the Universe today. We can all highly benefit from this “two eyed seeing”. Both worlds can be explored and have so much to tell us!

He Wa’a, He Honua – The Earth is Our Canoe

Magical. Do not miss the opportunity to do this.
Tripadvisor review: Rosemary S

Easily one of the best things we’ve ever done as a family. Tony felt like an old friend. His knowledge of the stars and the night sky was incredible and his abilities as a storyteller were magical. He lifted the stars off the page and brought them to life in the most wonderful way. We came to Joshua Tree to experience dark skies, and we will leave feeling connected to the universe in a way we never have before.

Thanks once again to Tony - a genuinely once in a lifetime experience.

We are not going to be all scientific and stare into a telescope hearing a bunch of facts, figures, math and scientific speak that is truly amazing info and a woderful experience BUT it is not all there is to learn from the sky.  Remember "two eyed seeing" tonight is about the old ways and night vision to personally enhance your "Yūgen" a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe

"Shamanic Stargazing"   "Starlight Vision Quest"    "HOZH'Q StarCleaning"   

Our Addicted2Wonder Stargazing Joshua Tree experience is a highly interactive experience, which allows you too look at those lights in the sky the way cultures have for thousands of years and helps us connect to our place in the universe, at large, and the heavens above! To experience the magic that is there for all of us to see.  All in an easy to understand, entertaining wish upon a star way!  This experience is good for any age.

Whether you want to learn how to navigate across the constellations as our ancestors did with their naked eyes, become a stargazer and start a new hobby or simply find solace in a hectic schedule, a night of star gazing is the perfect way to spend your evening !

"Hozho Naasha"

What are those "Lights in the Sky" Your Stargazing Tour here in tonight is about just that!

The lights in the sky are stars,” stars are suns... but wait... let's not get ahead of ourselves. 

Since the beginning of humanity we have been looking up at the sky and making up stories about what those lights are.  The lights in the sky are whatever we humans say they are! And some of those stories are not only fascinating they are very, very important to humanity. 

As we lose our ability to see the "lights in the sky" we lose so much of our connection to nature and by hearing those stories we reconnect to the magic that has been all but lost.  Even before the lights are completely extinguished by technology let us remember the lights in the sky, are not an accident and they have many stories to tell. 

Since the beginning of time people have come up with a wide variety of explanations, images and stories to make sense of the lights in the sky and every single one of them is completely made up by the people that looked at them first and said "I'm in charge" but some of those stories taught us math, navigation, time, spirituality, weather, seasons and on and on.... The stars have taught us so much but they are not done!​​​​​​​

We look to the stars above to understand our place in the world, trying to understand the stars in the sky above is the foundation of the most incredible stories told around the campfire you have never heard.  Nearly every culture on earth has different stories for the stars above and what they mean to the tribe.

In today’s fast paced world, staring into the night sky is the perfect form of escapism to find peace, solace and connenction to the divine in the chaos of life on earth. Stargazing is one of the simplest things we can do to connect with nature and our own spirituality.  In fact we challenge you to spend 30 minutes under the stars each night for the next 30 nights and find out for yourself how much your life will change as a result.

Your Stargazing in Joshua Tree tour tonight is about those lights in the sky. The focus is on ancient Native Americans and various Indigenous peoples from all over planet earth (Aboriginal, Inuit, Maori Warriors of New Zealand, the Hawaiian and Polynesian cultures, Egyptian, Japanese, Chinese and countless others) and the ways they identified and used the lights in the sky or as the Aboriginals saw "the darkness in the sky". It is not about looking through a telescope at a dot of light in the sky (although that is pretty cool too), but to connect the way our ancestors did for thousands of years with the naked eye and some really cool military toys as well!!


The Mi'kmaq people in the northeast call it "ETUAPTMUMK" or two eyed seeing.  Which means: Connecting, experiencing and learning to see from one eye with the strengths of Indigenous knowledge and ways of knowing, and from the other eye with the strengths of Western knowledge and ways of knowing ... and learning to use both these eyes together, for the benefit of all.

"The most remarkable discovery in all of astronomy is that the stars are made of atoms of the same kind as those on the earth.”

- Richard Feynman

Kalpana Chawla, the first Indian woman in space, said, “When you look at the stars and the galaxy, you feel that you are not just from one particular piece of land, but from the solar system.”

Your Shamanic Stargazing Tour includes:

  • Military Grade Night Vision Goggles which will allow you to see the stars as if you've traveled back to a time with no light pollution. An experience less than 1% of people on earth will ever have  (AN/PVS-7 Gen 3 Auto Gated Night Vision Goggles)
  • Learn constellation stories from cultures all over the world (Aboriginal, Polynesian, Native American, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Babylonian) that will impress your family and friends for the rest of your life.
  • Learn how our ancestors used the stars to navigate, tell time, and know what season it was.
  • Our Milkyway galaxy like you can't see anywhere else because of light pollution and 3 of our locations all are part of 34 Certified IDA International Dark Sky Communities in the USA
  • High powered binoculars where we will see the planets and nebula that are in the sky depending upon the date, atmospheric conditions and time that we are conducting the tour. Each season is different. Right now as of this writing we will see Jupiter, Saturn and Venus
  • Infrared binoculars and handheld thermal monocular to see various forms of light allowing you see your surroundings as well as the stars in another very unique way
  • Dare to create a unique and original light painting photo, a moment suspended under the stars.
  •  Why the Moon is Upside down in California
  • Be able to track Dozens and dozens and dozens of Satellites and space debris across the sky, there are over 7,500 satellites and 100,000 space debris "trash" objects in the night sky now.
  • Possibly see the famous UFO's over Southern California's night sky
  • A mindbending interactive tour of the night sky which includes; high powered binoculars, Gen 3 military grade night vision goggles, Infrared binoculars and handheld thermal monoculars. A once in a lifetime opportunity to see the night sky using tools you can only get with this tour.
  • Learn how to become a stargazer for life.​​​​​​​
  • A connection to the stars that will forever change you

“The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered "Man! Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”

― Dalai Lama

Light Painting for kids and adults

Photography in a whole new way. Light painting is a new art form that is conquering the world at an impressive pace. Painting with light, create photographs by writing with light sources such as flashlights or torches, lasers, lights, led lamps of all kinds, optical fibers, etc. Anything that glitters is usable, and the creative possibilities are endless. 

An interactive and creative way to liven up your event and dramatically increase your imaginative creativity with an explosion of FUN.

Dare to create a unique and original photographic creation a moment suspended under the stars.

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Tours and Events Private & Semi Private

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Wish Upon A Star Experience


You are StarDust and Light - Discover that for yourself tonight

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