
How to start

How to start making your own mobile app

Open in your browser and click "Create App Now!" button.

How to start making your own mobile app

To start making your own mobile app choose a category that best fits your business:

How to start making your own mobile app

You will be taken to the marketplace where you can choose ready-to-go solution (or design template) you like. Select a solution ( template) you like and click on the "Create App" button. Most templates are free, but there are also paid ones. If you choose a paid template or solution, it will first display a payment page.

How to start making your own mobile app

If you’re not logged in, it will ask you to login or register.

When done, you'll be redirected to the Application Management Panel, where you can customize your App (F.A.Q. How can I customize my app look and feel?) and manage your content (F.A.Q. How can I manage my content?)

Just follow all the steps from App Design page to get your App fully customized (you can edit background image, upload your logo, manage navigation buttons and tabs, upload your own splash screen). Use Phone simulator to navigate through the App: click on tabs or buttons to see appropriate page. The edit section will get updated accordingly, so you can manage it’s content.

Once you're done with App’s content and interface, click "Save and Complete" button - the system validates your App content; once validated, it will take you to the Publishing page. If some pages are incomplete, the system asks you to fix it.