Marketing Documents App

Mobile Marketing Automation App

Marketing automation app designed for marketing departments to more effectively market on mobile

The Marketing Documents app is a new way to distribute information to a core group of people and keep the latest version of it available to them without having to manage complex workflows. The purpose of the app is to show case studies for a set of customers of a cloud service. Thee “Logos” tab shows information by customer logo; the “List” tab shows a list of the same customers available for quicker access. Both views show the same data: Name of the customer, and a link to the case study in PDF form.

How we built this app

We built this app in just a few minutes by keeping a simple list of customer names, links to icons, and a list of filenames pointing to the location of the PDF file with the case study. This app showcases some of iBuildApps’s most powerful features for automatically built apps:

1. When a filename points to an image or PDF document, iBuildApp creates the appropriate action for it. If iBuildApp identifies an image, it treats the column as an image and adds an image gallery to the app for richer user experience. If it identifies PDF documents, it creates a document icon and places it in the app for quicker reference.

2. Offline Content Caching. We can mark apps to download a copy of the app for offline use. This comes in handy when using the app in places with spotty connectivity. As this option can potentially consume lots of data, it’s turned-off by default.

Mobile Marketing