

If you’ve got news that you need to deliver via your app, then use news feed in your mobile app.

To insert news feed in your mobile app choose it in the change widget type popup.

You can use RSS Feed to deliver your news. Click "RSS Feed" icon and enter your URL as shown below:

news feed in your mobile app

You can enter your news manually. Click "Manual entry" icon and start adding news by clicking "Add" button:

news feed in your mobile app

In the popup, enter the date, title, and description and click "Save" button.

news feed in your mobile app

Here you go! Now all your users can read news feed in your mobile app.

Select the "Upload image" link on the left of the news title to add an image:

news feed in your mobile app

If you would like to edit or remove select the "Edit" or "Remove" button on the right of each news entry in the list:

news feed in your mobile app